Boat mooring South Lake Tahoe City Homewood

Boat mooring South Lake Tahoe City Homewood
Boat mooring South Lake Tahoe City Homewood

Home moorings, permanent moorings, long term moorings

These terms all mean the same thing and refer to the place where the boat lives when it’s not being used for cruising. A boat must have a home mooring unless it’s used to navigate continuously.

There will be an agreement in place between the boat owner and the landowner or moorings operator for which a fee is normally payable in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.

Unlike ordinary anchoring, a permanent mooring system in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood is designed for leaving your boat unattended for long intervals. A mooring in  South Lake Tahoe City Homewood, in many cases, is the safest and most cost effective way to leave a boat in the water, whether riding out a storm or leaving it still next weekend.  Whenever installing a mooring, it is absolutely necessary to first check with local harbormaster. Before purchasing gear, find out the ground tackle requirements in your harbor.

Anchor- think heavy

The anchor weight and type are crucial to holding strength on any mooring. The more exposed a mooring site, the rougher it will be during storms. For exposed moorings go supersize. Exposure to open sea or fetch allows wave and wind strength to build enough force to drag gear around. On the other hand, protected inlets require less hefty ground tackle. In general, permanent moorings in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood are designed with less scope than traditional anchors, thus forming a tighter swing radius.

The compromise, shortened scope means a more effective anchor is required. Therefore, a permanent mooring anchor must be significantly heavier than your everyday use anchor. Mooring scope from anchor to the end of pennant should be at minimum 3 times the depth of water at highest tides. Your local harbormasters will specify type and weight of approved mooring anchors in the harbor.

In general, a mushroom anchor is the most common, great for softer seabeds in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood. As the mushroom anchor digs in it buries and creates suction. For effective holding power the mushroom must remain embedded in mud or sand, otherwise storms with wind direction opposite the prevailing will cause the anchor to “spin out” and drag. For estimating the mushroom weight, multiply the boat length by 5-10 times as a good rule of thumb.

On hard or rocky bottoms, heavy dead weight anchors such as massive concrete blocks are the norm. Since a blocks holding power relies on shear weight, dead weight anchors must be significantly heavier than mushroom style. Density is also a consideration; more concrete is needed than comparably denser cast iron for equivalent weight in water. Block style moorings are set with a barge and crane. A third option is the Pyramid anchor, for sand or hard bottoms to the area of South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.

Boat mooring South Lake Tahoe City Homewood
Boat mooring South Lake Tahoe City Homewood

An approved professional mooring installer can set the whole rig for you for a fee in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood. Most towns have a list of approved installers in the area. Professionals installers can also offer more than just the traditional anchors. Helical screws driven into sand bottom seabed with a hydraulic tool have superior holding power. Pioneered by oil rigs decades ago, sand screws leave only an exposed eye to connect tackle.

Along with better holding power, sand screws are less likely to foul, but they’re also easy to lose should the gear part. Newer Elastic Mooring Systems also offer amazing forgiveness in extreme weather with their elastic technology, but the gear can be a significant investment. Other areas may require several anchor points connected in a bridle system. Whenever setting up a mooring for the first time, ask around to find what works best in your harbor of choice in this case in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.


A standard mooring setup consists of 2 lengths of chain. The heavy ground chain on the bottom, connected to a lighter chain up top. Bottom chain length should be 1.5 times the maximum height of water (ie spring high tide). The heavy weight helps lay mushroom on its side. The length of the lighter top chain should equal the maximum height of high water. The diameters of both chains depend on the size of the vessel.

Why chain? Aside from it is a strength, chain acts as a shock absorber: as the boat rides up a wave it uses energy to lift chain weight. This, countered with force to submerge large mooring buoy act like shocks, sapping the jolt before chain gets bar-tight. This is especially apparent on a rough weather day.

Add a swivel to correct for boat spin. The boat will spend it’s anchored life whirling around that one point. Think of all the wind shifts and tide swings. As chain twists, it loses break strength. The swivel prevents twist, thus maintaining chain strength. Always mouse shackles with locking wire or zip-ties to prevent the pin from backing out.

Best chain for moorings

Aside from unavoidable corrosion, chains biggest wear comes from continually brushing the bottom. The sand abrades the metal over time, making those unseen links near the bottom precariously thin. Be sure to have a certified mooring inspector periodically inspect the integrity of chain. (Annual inspection is the standard.) It is commonplace to replace the chain every 3 seasons or so in salt water. Wider diameter chain has thicker metal per link to wear away, thus it should last longer. Chain diameter is measured by the thickness of the wire forming each link, not the opening of the link (link opening measurement is coil size).

When selecting chain, there are 3 basic considerations: grade (metal tensile strength), diameter (thickness of chain) and coil (opening size). A secondary concern is a finish for corrosion resistance. For moorings, Proof coil, preferably with hot dip galvanized finish, is the most common and economical.

Proof coil, also known as Common Coil chain, is the standard commercial quality regularly stocked by hardware and industrial supply houses. Proof coil is grade 30 chain, a general purpose chain for pulling or restraining applications. Proof coil is not for overhead lifting or where maximum tensile or impact strength is crucial. Basic carbon steel metal composition makes it the go-to chain for log chains and towing. This metal can look different depending on finish. Standard Finishes may be plain, colored, bright zinc or hot dip galvanized. Because tolerances aren’t as tight for inconsistencies in link size and diameter with the proof coil, the cost is less than precision chain such as BBB for windlasses.

Chain link openings vary, too. We offer chain with elongated link size called Long link. This is a practical choice where connections must fit mid-chain, not the end link. With the longer links, shackles bolts fit anywhere along its length, whereas standard coil sizes may only fit shackles on end links.

Long link also makes the chain lighter than an equivalent length of standard chain. Another variation is studded chain, also called tugboat chain. Studded link means the wire forming each link also spans across the middle of link opening, making it extremely heavy and strong. Studded is for large diameter chain. If you have a boat 60 feet or above you may use studded link on the ground tackle for added weight and strength.

Grade refers to the tensile strength of the metal. The grade number used by manufacturers is an indicator of the ultimate break strength of the chain. The higher the grade the greater the break strength. With galvanized chain, it basically boils down to how much carbon is in the steel. Grade 30, aka proof coil, has less carbon and is good service duty chain. Grade 43 (aka Grade 40) has higher tensile strength and abrasion resistance and comes with a higher price tag.

When it comes to the metal finish, “hot dip” galvanized steel works best in salt water. While stainless steel is preferable on deck, it’s not best for below the water. Stainless steel needs oxygen to breathe. Constantly submerged, the lack of oxygen is thought to cause stainless steel to corrode.

Steel that is “hot dip galvanized” into a bath of zinc at over 800° yields a very corrosion resistant metal. But even so, wear is unavoidable, meaning you will need to replace any chain after a few years mooring service regardless. Even the best stuff will wear away with time so it’s more cost effective to replace less expensive chain frequently. For all the above reasons, the most common chain for mooring use is a hot dipped galvanized Grade 30 proof coil.


The mooring buoy serves a dual function. It floats all that heavy chain to the surface and also increases holding power by absorbing the shock of heavy weather waves and wind in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.  regulations require standard white with blue stripe mooring buoys.

The chain should thread through the center of the buoy before connecting to the pennant. Stopper rings cut like washers from old tires are a good provision to prevent the shackle from pulling through and crushing buoy core.  Quality mooring buoys are made with a hard plastic shell filled with closed-cell flotation foam. This ensures sufficient buoyancy, even if shell integrity is compromised.

A lighter pickup buoy at the end of the pennant makes hooking up to the mooring easy. A small float does the trick. For boats with higher freeboard, a mast buoy is a huge help, making pickup easy without a boat hook.


The pennant-ties the boat to the mooring. Choose the largest diameter that reasonably fits through the bow chocks and around the mooring bit or cleat for best bet. Easy splicing 3 strand line is most common, made from nylon for shock absorbing stretch. Equivalent diameter double braid polyester offers more strength than 3 strands.

Either should include some kind of chafe gear sleeving to prevent abrasion. To connect the pennant to use an eye splice around a galvanized thimble and a heavy-duty galvanized shackle. Some larger, heavy-tonnage vessels opt for stainless steel wire pennants for maximum strength and chafe resistance

Mooring sites are plentiful in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood, from fully serviced marinas to simple spots along the canal or river bank. Most are provided by private companies or boat clubs, either in off-line marinas or along the canal or river bank opposite the towpath.

Be prepared to shop around. Moorings are usually priced according to boat length and popularity of the area in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood– supply and demand mean that you’ll pay more in the south where land prices are highest, and obviously sites with more sophisticated services command higher fees.

Most people prefer the security and convenience of a mooring within a marina or basin of the main line of the canal on South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.

Within this category, you will see reference to particular types of long term and commons mooring in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.

Leisure moorings in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.

A long-term mooring where the boat is used for leisure / recreational purposes.

Residential moorings in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.

A long-term mooring which has the local authority’s permission for it to be used as the occupant’s sole or primary residence. The residential mooring may or may not have facilities and services.

Trade moorings in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.

Moorings assigned to specially licensed operators of commercial boats. They may be for short periods or long term, depending on the nature of the agreement. Their purpose is to provide a service to waterway visitors, adding life and value to the local waterway environment.

Short term moorings in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood

This is any mooring which is not designated as a long term site. The default maximum period that you can stay in the same place along the towpath is 14 days. Look out for signs that give more information, such as shorter permitted stay times, particularly at popular places.

During the winter period (1 November – 31 March) most short-stay moorings will relax to 14 days maximum stay unless there is a clear safety or customer need to provide otherwise. If the short-stay mooring is in place all year then it will be clearly signed. If it is not indicated on the site then the mooring is 14 days by default during the winter.

Types of short term mooring that you will come across in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood are:

Short term mooring permits in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood

Marina and moorings operators may offer short-term agreements, usually by the month for people wanting the security of a mooring for just a few weeks at a time.  Winter mooring permits are popular with continuous cruisers who may prefer not to move so much during colder weather, or may be prevented from moving because of waterway repair works.

Visitor moorings in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood

A length of the bank that has been designated for periods of less than 14 days. They tend to be at popular locations and time limits are designed to enable as many different boaters as possible to enjoy the use of the mooring during a cruise.  Please respect the time limits and any other rules displayed or communicated to you when boating.

Service moorings in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood

Locations adjacent to water, sewage and refuse disposal points. These are for use only while you are using the facilities and time limits are signed.

You may also see temporary or permanent signs restricting the use of a location for a specific purpose, such as a trip boat stop.

Casual moorings in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood

This means mooring up along the towpath during the course of a journey. It may be at a visitor mooring (subject to time limits displayed at the site) or anywhere else along the towpath where, if unsigned, the maximum stay time is 14 days.

It’s usually best to moor against the towpath or on signed visitor moorings. Many riverbanks and the non-towpath side of canals are private property. If you want to find out who owns land adjacent to a canal or river you can search on the Land Registry’s website.

But now, How to find a berth or mooring in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood?

If you are thinking of berthing in a marina of South Lake Tahoe City Homewood, look out for the award scheme, it offers Quality Assured Berthing for boat owners.

To search for marina berths or moorings you can:

  • Check out the different companies which offer the service for a full listing of available berths in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.
  • Look in the boating magazines
  • Speak to the company that sold you your boat – they can often help you find somewhere to keep it
  • Ask local people in the location you want to store your boat in South Lake Tahoe City Homewood.